Water Quality Report
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Once again we are proud to present our annual water quality report covering all testing performed between January 1 and December 31, 2023. As in years past, we are committed to delivering the best-quality drinking water possible. To that end, we remain vigilant in meeting the challenges of new regulations, source water protection, water conservation, and community outreach and education while continuing to serve the needs of all of our water users. Thank you for allowing us to continue providing you and your family with quality drinking water.
We encourage you to share your thoughts with us on the information contained in this report. Should you ever have any questions or concerns, we are always available to assist you.
Water Quality Reports Archive
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2022.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2021.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2020.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2019.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2018.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2017.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2016.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2015.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2014.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2013.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2012.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2011.
Please Click Here to view the full report for 2010.
Town Rules & Regulations
We are required to publish the conditions under which we can supply water to our customers; and the requirements that our customers must comply with.
Please click the link below to see the full “RULES AND REGULATIONS” govern rendering of service document.
MWD Rules And Regs FY24 (0.7 MiB)
Analysis Results
From time to time we conduct specific water quality tests. As those results become available they will be posted here.
2nd 2015 QTR Fe Mg TOC VOC IOC Dilla (0.2 MiB)
Godfrey VOC July 2015 (0.2 MiB)
Milford Lead And Copper 2013 - A (75 KiB)
Corrosion Notice 2011 (0.2 MiB)
For information specifically related to Total Trihalomethanes please click here.
Current Status
Results for 2nd Quarter 2015 show the Milford Water Department to be in compliance with the THMs.

THM Test Results Archive
This page contains an archive of results and announcements related to Total Trihalomethane levels. For the current status please click here. This historical information is presented in reverse chronological order.
- 3rd Quarter 2013 TTHM and Haa5 Results
- 2nd Quarter 2013 TTHM and Haa5 Results
- 1st Quarter 2013 TTHM and Haa5 Results
- Results for 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarter 2012 TTHM
- Results for 2nd, 3rd, 4th Quarter 2012 HAA5
- Results for 1st Quarter 2012
- 4th Quarter 2011 Results
- Samples Taken At Various Locations
- Samples Taken At Plant Locations
- Samples Taken At Schools
- Samples Taken At Dilla St Location
Compliance Letter of 1/16/2012
Trihalomethane Results as of 11/16/2011
Trihalomethane Updates
September 2011 THM Results
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) Early Notification Mailing
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) Update as of 08/29/2011
Milford Water Department in an effort to help reduce TTHM levels throughout the system is working with its engineers to install an Activated Carbon layer in one of our slow sand filters here at the Dilla Street Treatment Plant which will help reduce the amount of organics in the water which in turn will help lower the TTHM levels in the system. To date our engineers have collected all of the data needed to create an installation plan and design and will be presenting to the MassDEP this week, the Draft Plans are now available for view. There are still a few logistical issues that need to be worked on before the installation can begin and as always we must get approval from the DEP. The Company has set a realistic timeframe for the installation to be completed and functioning to be near the end of October and expect to see lowered THM levels during the 4th quarter. We will continue to update the website as things progress.
MWC took another round of TTHM on August 25th and are now available for view. The results again remain high and we are continuing to conduct spot flushing and monitoring the chlorine levels in the system. We had originally planned to conduct another sample round during the week of the 15th but elected to do some Total Organic Carbon (TOC) instead to see if these levels had dropped with the addition of our Clarks Island Wellfield being blended with the surface waters of Echo Lake. These levels changed very little from our previous TOC monitoring prior to its addition, the Company had expected to see some change in the levels these results are now available for view as well. MWC will be conducting its regular quarterly sample round of TTHM and Haa5 prior to September 30th. As always Milford Water Department is committed to providing to our customers the highest quality of drinking water available and we continue to strive to improve our system and our customer service.
- TTHM Sample results as of 8/25/2011
- Total Organic Carbon Results
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) layer
Update as of 08/12/2011
Milford Water Department in an effort to help reduce TTHM levels throughout the system is working with its engineers to install an Activated Carbon layer in one of our slow sand filters here at the Dilla Street Treatment Plant which will help reduce the amount of organics in the water which in turn will help lower the TTHM levels in the system. This was done in Winthrop Maine with good success where they were experiencing the same type of issues with TTHM in their system. Within the next two weeks we should have all of the details needed and be able to provide an expected completion date once we have this we will update this site.
MWC took another round of TTHM on August 4th and are now available for view. The results remain high at this time and we are continuing to conduct spot flushing and monitoring the chlorine levels in the system. We will conduct another round of TTHM during the week of August 15th.
As always Milford Water Department is committed to providing to our customers the highest quality of drinking water available and we continue to strive to improve our system and our customer service.
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To all customers of the Milford Water Department (MWC) located in Milford, Massachusetts
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) are Above Drinking Water Standards
This notice is to advise our customers that our water system is in noncompliance with the drinking water standards for Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs). Similar notices were issued to you in January and April of this year for this ongoing violation. Although this is not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation.
We are required to monitor the drinking water for TTHMs levels on a quarterly basis (once every three months). The results of last quarter’s sampling were received on July 7, 2011 and show that our system exceeds the standard or maximum contaminant level (MCL) for TTHMs. The standard for TTHMs is 80 parts per billion (ppb) and is determined on a quarterly basis by averaging all samples collected by our system for the last 12 months. The average level of TTHMs between July 2010 and June 2011 was 82 ppb.
What does this mean?
This is not an immediate risk. If it had been, you would have been notified right away. There is nothing you need to do. You do not need to boil your water, use an alternative (e.g., bottled) water supply or take other corrective actions. However, pregnant women, infants, and women of childbearing age may be at increased risk and should seek advice from their health care providers if they have any concerns. Some people who drink water containing (TTHMs) trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
What happened? What is being done?
TTHMs are a byproduct of chlorine disinfection which forms when chlorine combines with natural organic matter commonly found in surface water supplies. TTHMs levels can vary depending on a number of factors including the amount of chlorine used, amount of organic plant material in water sources, temperature, and seasons. The MWC is working to reduce the TTHM levels while also maintaining appropriate levels of disinfectant in the water necessary to avoid bacterial issues. MWC is working with MassDEP on evaluating immediate short-term operations changes and long-term upgrades to the treatment plant and system with the intention of correcting this issue.
MWC has done some research and has found that some activated carbon type filters can help remove or lower chlorine and TTHM levels. For more information on filters please refer to US EPA Filter Facts at http://water.epa.gov/aboutow/ogwdw/upload/2005_11_17_faq_fs_healthseries_filtration.pdf.
A question and answer document on health effects, precautions, and water treatment options for TTHMs has been provided by MassDEP and is available on the MWC website. You can also contact the US EPA Safe Drinking Water Hot Line at #1-800-426-4791.
PWS ID#: 2185000
Date distributed: July 14, 2011
- Question and Answer Guide to TTHM’s Exceedence of Milford Water Department Public Water System - July 2011
- Sample Locations for Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) Testing Results
The first quarter 2011 results have come down significantly as compared to the fourth quarter 2010 results for the THM and HAA testing. The data has been sent to MassDEP and is currently under review.